Transform your life in 6 months

Register for the Webinar for free to discover the method, the training and the web application that will help you transform your life, like I did.

I created

Logo MyNewMe

for me!

My Story...

My name is Serge Brocteur, on July 7, 2022, I decided to change my life.
I asked myself: Is there a way to be happier?
As a programmer analyst, I decided to analyze what the greatest experts say in personal development.
And I drew the essential elements to apply them to my life.

But despite the fact that I knew what to do, I had opposing forces to fight: forgetfulness and my habits

So I decided to create a program (a web application) to help me stay aware of my intentions, thus allowing me to fight both forgetfulness and my habits.

Since then, my life has changed, IT WORKS!

In this webinar

completely free, with no obligation to purchase.
Serge Brocteur

Discover my story

How I Finally Have a Meaningful Life by Helping Others Achieve Their Dreams

Gallerie des auteurs

What I undertook

A search among the greatest authors, experts in personal development

Ce que j'ai découvert

What I discovered

There is a method that emerges from all these specialists but it is very difficult to apply

Formation MyNewMe en loi d'attraction

What I bring

I managed to create the tool that allows every human to create their life and stay conscious.


“It is a very good idea to disseminate the theories of the great authors in personal development.”
"Serge inspired me and helped me change, I was disappointed when he stopped his videos, now I'm happy to see him back."
“I can't wait to share what I discovered with you. I am so proud to be able to change lives.”

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✅ No obligation to purchase